Life Balance 2.1 – Optimalno zdravlje

Life Balance 2.1 je inovativni uređaj zasnovan na principima biorezonantne tehnologije koji će vam pomoći da održite i poboljšate svoje fizičko i emocionalno blagostanje i optimalno zdravlje.

Life Balance 2.1 je inovativni uređaj za biorezonantnu terapiju, koji zahvaljujući elektromagnetnim bezkontaktnim efektom pomaže u obnavljanju energije organa i sistema, štiti od negativnih uticaja okoline i čisti organizam od toksina i parazita, oporavlja i harmonizuje.

Rad Life Balance 2.1 aparata se prvenstveno zasniva na prilagođavanju telesnih funkcija putem elektromagnetnog dejstva. Wellness aparat ima svoje parametre dejstva, koji su u stanju da interaguju (interferiraju) sa bioritmovima ljudskog tela. Efekat zavisi od individualnog odabira određene frekvencije koja posle uticaja na telo može da intenzivira fizičke procese harmonizujući i stabilizujući sve procese u ljudskom telu kroz niske elektromagnetne signale.

Nadamo se da će savremena tehnologija za održavanje zdravlja kompanije Axioma.Life postati vaš pouzdan vodič u svetu zdravstvene zaštite. Koristite jedinstvene programe i preporuke i krenite u zdrav i srećan život uz Life Balance 2.1!


Svako godišnja doba sa sobom donosi razne izazove za naše zdravlje. Promene vremena, alergeni i virusi mogu izazvati sezonske bolesti.

Razumemo koliko je važno ostati zdrav u bilo koje doba godine, pa su naši stručnjaci Axioma.Life razvili niz programa posebno prilagođenih različitim godišnjim dobima.

Ove preporuke će vam pomoći da ojačate imuni sistem i održite fizičko i mentalno zdravlje, čak i uz sezonske promene.


Influenca  i akutne virusne respiratorne infekcije1. Grip
2. Akutna respiratorna virusna infekcija
3. Grip i teška groznica
4. Grip (bol i respiratorna komponenta)
5. Virus gripa
Primenite program 3-5 puta dnevno, kurs od 3 do 15 dana.
Gastroenteritis  (virusni i bakterijski gastrointestinalni grip)1. Opšti grip
2. Grip (opšte učestalosti) 3. Kompleks simptoma gripa
4. Trostruki nozod gripa
5. Enteritis
Primenite program 4-6 puta dnevno, kurs od 5 do 15 dana.
Upala pluća1. Upala pluća
2. Upala pluća.
Opšte frekvencije
3. Refleksni kašalj
4. Suv kašalj
5. Uklanjanje parazita iz pluća. Blok jedan. Prva faza — 3 dana 6. Pluća
7. Bronhije i pluća
Primenite program 3 puta dnevno, kurs 21 dan.
Otitis (otitis srednjeg uha)1. Otitis
2. Otitis media
3. 01. Otitis 1
4. 02. Otitis 2
5. Uho, unutrašnje uho
6. Uho. Unutrašnje uho
7. Bol u uhu, otalgija
Primenite program 3-4 puta dnevno, kurs od 7 do 15 dana.
Hipotermija (niska telesna temperatura)1. Opšta hipotermija 2. Hipotermija gornjeg dela tela
3. Hronična hipotermija 4. Hipertermija zbog upale 5. Cirkulacija krvi u tkivima organa. Program za oporavak 6. Oporavak krvotoka u svim krugovima protoka
Primenite program 3 puta dnevno, kurs od 1 do 5 dana.
Akutni bronhitis (zapaljenje bronhija, koje obično izazivaju virusi)1. Bronhitis
2. 01. Bronhitis 1
3. 02. Bronhitis 2
4. 03. Bronhitis 3
5. 04. Bronhitis 4
6. Kašalj i bronhitis.
Prva faza – 3 dana
Primenite program 3 puta dnevno, kurs od 15 do 21 dan.
Kardiovaskularni problemi  (uključujući infarkt, povezan sa povećanom srčanom aktivnošću usled hladnog vazduha)1. Infarkt miokarda 2. Normalizacija cirkulacije krvi 3. Program za poboljšanje mikrocirkulacije srca 4. Cirkulacija krvi — kontrolne frekvencije
5. Cirkulacija krvi
6. Srce
7. Srce. Koronarni sudovi
Primenite program 3 puta dnevno, kurs 21 dan.
Astma  (pogoršanje simptoma kod nekih pacijenata zbog  hladog vazduha)1. Intrinzična astma
2. Astma
3. 01. Bronhijalna astma 1
4. 02. Bronhijalna astma 2
5. 04. Bronhijalna astma 4 6. Bronhospazam (napad gušenja)
7. Teško disanje
Primenite program 3-5 puta dnevno, kurs od 3 do 19 dana.


Alergijski rinitis (sezonske alergije na polen, cvetanje)1. Alergijska rinosinusopatija
2. Alergijske bolesti
3. Respiratorna alergija
4. Sezonske alergije
(za LB Contact)
5. Korekcija alergija.
Druga faza – 5 dana (recept 2)
Primenite program 3 puta dnevno, za ceo period cvetanja ili zaprašivanja alergena.
Astma (pogoršana alergenima i vremenskim promenama)1. Atopijska bronhijalna astma 2. Astmatični napad
3. Astma
4. 01. Bronhijalna astma 1
5. Bronhospazam
(napad gušenja)
Primenite program 3 puta dnevno, kurs 21 dan.
Otitis (zapaljenje srednjeg uva, koje može biti uzrokovano alergijom)1. Otitis srednjeg uha
2. Otitis
3. Otitis 5
4. Otitis 6
5. Opšta hipotermija
6. Imunitet, alergija.
Treća faza – 5 dana (recept 1)
Primeniti program 2-3 puta dnevno, kurs 21 dan.
Virusne infekcije (prolećne epidemije prehlade i ARVI)1. Uobičajeni virusi TR 1
2. Uobičajeni virusi TR 2
3. Adenovirus 41
6. 20. Grip sa respiratornom komponentom
Primeniti program 3 puta dnevno, kurs od 3 do 15 dana.
Aktivacija autoimunih bolesti (npr. reumatoidni artritis)1. Autoimune bolesti.
Recept 1. Prva faza – 10 dana
2. Autoimune bolesti.
Recept 2. Prva faza – 10 dana
3. Autoimune bolesti
4. Autoimune bolesti
5. Protiv bola
6. Bol u mišićima i povrede
(+ Osnovni antiseptik)
Primeniti program 2-3 puta dnevno, kurs 21 dan.
Alergijski konjunktivitis (sezonske alergije koje utiču na oči)1. Konjunktivitis
2. Oči – kontrolne frekvencije
3. Oči – kontrolne frekvencije
4. Konjunktivitis (crvenilo očiju) 5. 06. Konjunktivitis
6. Imunitet. alergija.
Prva faza – 5 dana
Primeniti program 2-3 puta dnevno, kurs 21 dan.
Prolećna hlamidija (infekcija koju prenose krpelji, uključujući lajmsku bolest)1. Borelioza
2. Borelioza vali jaja
3. Program protiv hlamidije. Prva faza – 7 dana
4. Chlamidia trachomatis
5. Hlamidija obična
6. Imuni sistem
Primenite program 2 puta dnevno, kurs od 21 do 45 dana.
Pneumonija (rezidualni slučajevi posle zime)1. Stanja imunodeficijencije. Opšti kurs 30 dana
2. Pneumonija
3. Funkcija čišćenja pluća, aktivacija. Prva nedelja (rec. 2)
4. Pluća
5. Bronhije i pluća
Primenite program jednom dnevno, kurs 21 dan.


Opekotine od sunca1. Plikovi od opekotina
2. Opekotine od sunca
3. Opekotine
4. Upaljeni plikovi
Primenite program 3 puta dnevno, kurs od do 7 dana.
Toplotni udar1. Toplotni balans – kontrolne frekvencije
2. Poremećaj toplotne ravnoteže
3. Poremećaj toplotnog balansa
4. Temperatura krvi
5. Temperatura (sunčani udar) 6. Nagli porast temperature
Primenite program 3-5 puta dnevno, kurs od 1 do 5 dana.
Dehidracija (posebno na visokim temperaturama)1. Regulacija diureze, ravnoteže kalijuma i natrijuma
2. Balans natrijuma i kalijuma
3. Kalijum-natrijum balans
4. Regulacija ASR- acido-bazna ravnoteža
5. Program sistemskog obnavljanja zdravlja. Treća faza. Sistemski softver za negu i obnavljanje kompleksa. Kurs – 2 dana
6. Čišćenje i restauracija gastrointestinalnog trakta. Peta faza – 3 dana
Primenite program 3-4 puta dnevno, kurs od 1 do 15 dana.
Trovanje hranom (povezano sa povećanim rizikom od kontaminacije bakterijama koje se prenose hranom)1. Trovanje hranom (otrovanje hranom). Opšti kurs – 10 dana 2. Trovanje hranom + infekcija 3. Autointoksikacija
4. Centar za povraćanje
5. Dijareja
6. Odbrana u crevima (bakterioza)
Primena programa 3-5 puta dnevno, kurs od 1 do 15 dana.
Alergije na polen i insekte1. Imunitet. alergija.
Prva faza – 5 dana
2. Alergija na prašinu
3. Alergije
4. Respiratorne alergije
5. 05. Alergija 5
6. 06. Alergija 6
Primena programa 3-4 puta dnevno, kurs od 15 do 35 dana.
Insolaciona termička povreda (pregrevanje tela usled direktnog izlaganja sunčevoj svetlosti)1. Poremećaj toplotne ravnoteže
2. Toplotni balans – kontrolne frekvencije
3. Poremećaj toplotnog balansa
4. Normalizacija cirkulacije krvi 5. Krvni pritisak
6. Centar za snabdevanje krvlju
Primenite program 3-5 puta dnevno, kurs od 3 do 11 dana.
Crevne infekcije (često povezane sa jedenjem kontaminirane hrane po toplom vremenu)1. Uklonite crevne toksine
2. Obnova creva i želuca.
Treća faza – 6 dana
3. Reduktor creva i apud sistem. Prva faza – 10 dana
4. E. coli osnovni program
5. Regulacija gastrointestinalnog trakta
6. Odbrana u crevima (bakterioza)
Primenite program 3-5 puta, kurs od 3 do 15 dana.
Opekotine od morske vode i meduza (mogući problemi na plažama)1. Plikovi od opekotina
2. Spaliti plikove
3. Alergijski dermatitis
4. Alergije na koži
5. 06. Alergija 6
Primenite program 4 puta dnevno, kurs od 3 do 15 dana.


Grip i ARVI (početak sezone epidemije)1. Grip. Prva nedelja
2. 20. Grip sa respiratornom komponentom
3. Hipotermija i grip
4. Prehlada i grip
5. Grip sa visokom temperaturom
Primenite program 4 puta dnevno, kurs od 5 do 15 dana.
Gastroenteritis (upala gastrointestinalnog trakta)1. Prečišćavanje od enterovirusa. Prva faza – 5 dana 2. Enterokolitis
3. Enterovirus
4. Varenje i parazitska disbioza. Prva faza – 7 dana
5. Program normalizacija varenja. Prva faza – 10 dana
6. Loše varenje
Primenite program 3-4 puta dnevno, kurs od 5 do 15 dana.
Bol u grlu (faringitis, laringitis)1. Faringitis – zapaljenje grla
2. Faringitis
3. Akutni laringofaringitis (+streptokok)
4. Laringitis
5. Laringitis
6. Stimulacija imunog sistema 1
Primenite program 3 puta dnevno, kurs od 7 do 21 dan.
Virusne infekcije (prelazni period iz leta u zimu)1. Poboljšanje funkcionisanja imunološkog sistema. Opšti kurs 15 dana
2. Hladno. Sluzokoža nosa i virusna infekcija. Treća faza – 3 dana
3. Osnovni virus gripa
4. Adenovirus osnovni
5. Adenovirus 41
Primenite program 3 puta dnevno, kurs od 7 do 15 dana.
Alergijski rinitis (sezonske alergije na plesni)1. Vazomotorni rinitis
2. Rinitis 2
3. Vazomotorni rinitis
4. Rinitis
5. Seno curenje iz nosa
Primenite program 4 puta dnevno, kurs od 11 do 21 dan.
Jesena pogoršanja hroničnih bolesti (na primer, astma i alergije)1. Hronična intoksikacija
2. Autoimune bolesti
3. Autoimune bolesti. Recept 2. Treća faza – 10 dana
4. Otpor organizma na sindrom imunološkog deficita
5. Stimulacija imunog sistema 2 6. Odbrana (imuni sistem)
Primenite program 2-3 puta dnevno, kurs 21 dan.


Vrlo često se suočavamo sa raznim bolestima koje mogu uticati na naš život. Od alergija i gripa do hroničnih stanja poput artritisa i dijabetesa.

Naš Wellness sistem pruža efikasne alate za kontrolu ovih bolesti.

Posvećeni smo da vam pomognemo da poboljšate kvalitet svog života i da vam pomognemo u borbi protiv čitavog spektra zdravstvenih problema.


Flu and ARVI (viral respiratory tract infections)1. 01. Drainage
2. 02. ARVI 2
3. Airway and nose – control frequencies
4. Airways and nose – control
5. Detox respiratory
Apply the program 3 times a day, course from 3 to 15 days.
Gastroenteritis (viral or bacterial infections of the gastrointestinal tract)1. Detoxification of the body
2. Cleaning from enteroviruses. First stage – 5 days
3. Enterovirus
4. Rotavirus
5. Adenovirus basic
6. Diarrhea
Apply the program 4-5 times a day, course from 3 to 15 days.
Pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs, often caused by infections)1. Atypical pneumonia or
3 parasites. First stage – 5 days
2. Pneumonia
3. General pneumonia
4. General pneumonia V
5. Bronchopneumonia
6. Lymph detox
Apply the program 3 times a day, course 21 days.
Tuberculosis (lung infection)1. 1. Tuberculosis – Koch bacillus
2. Tuberculosis
3. Basic tuberculosis
4. Tuberculosis 1
5. Reflex cough
6. Reflex cough
Apply the program 2 times a day, the course of therapy is from 3 to 9 months.
AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome)1. Support the body during HIV infection. General course 1 month
2. Detoxification of the body
3. Detoxification
during detoxification 1
4. Detox matrix
5. Lymph detoxification
6. Detox-depressant drug toxin
Apply the program 2 times a day, the course of therapy is from 3 to 9 months.
Hepatitis (liver inflammation caused by viruses A, B, C and others)1. Lymph detoxification
2. Lymph detox + drainage
3. Hepatitis B
4. Chronic aggressive hepatitis
5. Hepatitis A
6. Hepatitis New Nos
7. Common hepatitis
Apply the program 3 times a day, course from 3 to 6 months.
Malaria (a parasitic disease transmitted by mosquito bites)1. Malaria
2. Falciparum malaria
3. Pernicious anemia
(for malaria)
4. Ebola 14
5. Meningitis 1
6. Detox-antiseptic effect
7. Detox 1
Apply the program 2 times a day, the course of therapy is from 2
up to 7 months.
Chickenpox (a viral disease that causes skin rashes)1. Chicken pox
2. Chicken pox
3. Fever, heat, increased body temperature
4. Blood temperature
5. Detox-antiseptic effect
Apply the program 3 times a day, course from 10
up to 15 days.


Cardiovascular diseases (eg, hypertension, coronary heart disease)1. 03 Heart, regulation
2. Hypertension
3. 01. Hypertension 1
4. 02. Hypertension 2
5. Coronary heart disease (angina pectoris).
Second stage – 15 days
6. Heart and circulation
7. Circulatory disorders
Apply the program 2 times a day, course from 2 to 9 months.
Diabetes mellitus (chronic disorder of carbohydrate metabolism)1. Carbohydrate metabolism, recovery
2. Poor circulation
for diabetes
3. Diabetes
4. Diabetes associated with infection
5. Diabetes 1 (high sugar levels)
6. 02. Diabetes mellitus 2
Apply the program 2 times a day, morning and evening, course from 3 months
up to a year.


Arrhythmia (irregular heart rhythm)1. Heart rhythm
2. Arteriosclerosis (+nanobacteria, coxsackie and CMV)
3. Arrhythmia. Tachycardia. Normal heart rhythm
(recipe 2)
4. Antiarrhythmic effect
5. Heart rate
Apply the program 3-5 times during acute arrhythmia, a course of 3-5 days, and 1 time per day for the prevention of arrhythmia, a course of 3 months to a year.
Coronary heart disease (narrowing of the arteries supplying blood to the heart)1. Cleansing the coronary vessels and strengthening the heart. Arrhythmia. Course 1-7 days
2. Coronary vessels of the heart
3. Heart, coronary vessels
4. Coronarogenic effect
5. Spasms of the cardiovascular system
Apply the program 1-2 times a day, course from 21 days to 3 months.
Cardiomyopathy (damage to the heart muscle)1. Spasms of the cardiovascular system
2. Peripheral vessels
3. Heart, coronary vessels
4. Heart, myocardium – cardiac muscle
5. Heart blood supply
Apply the program 2 times a day, course 3 months.
Congestive heart failure (decreased cardiac function)1. Heart, right ventricle
2. Heart, coronary vessels
3. Heart and circulation
4.03 Heart, regulation
5. Heart circulation
6. Heart, failure on the right
Apply the program 2 times a day, course 3 months.


Depression (a mental disorder characterized by persistent low mood)1. Stress
2. Recovery from stress. Second stage – 3 days
3. Stress
4. Stress
5. Detox – depressive drug toxin
6. Depression and neurosis. Course – 10 days, repeated as necessary
Apply the program in the morning, course from 21 days to 3 months.
Anxiety disorders (eg, generalized anxiety disorder, panic attacks)1. Correction of conditions
for stress and depression. First stage – 5 days
2. Depression
3.Antidepressant effect
4. Infectious-toxic depression
5. Antidepressant
6. Depression
Apply the program in the morning, course from 21 days to 3 months.
Schizophrenia (mental disorder with split thinking and impaired perception of reality)1. Detox – mental disorders
2. Psychological correction program for people of the third age. Fourth stage – 10 days
3. Psychotropic effects
4. Pronounced mental arousal
5. Psychosomatosis
6. Exhaustion (mental state)
Apply the program 2 times a day, a course of 3 


Cardiovascular diseases1. Heart. Strengthening the heart muscle. Course – 10 days
2. Heart, septum
3. Heart, myocardium – cardiac muscle
4. Heart
5. Heart, coronary vessels
6. Heart blood supply
Apply the program once a day, course from 21 days to 3 months.
Type 2 diabetes1. Diabetes as a parasitic disease. Program –
1 month (recipe 1)
2. Diabetes mellitus type 2
3. Diabetes
4. Diabetes
5. Diabetes associated with infection
6. 02. Diabetes mellitus 2
Apply the program once a day, course from 21 days to 9 months.
Arthritis (inflammation of the joints)1. Arthritis
2. Rheumatoid arthritis
(+ strept. chlamys. mycopl.)
3. Hip pain (+ Arthritis)
4. Arthritis
5. Basic arthritis (+ streptococcus and mycoplasma)
6. 01. Arthritis 1
7. 02. Arthritis 2
8. 03. Arthritis 3
Apply the program once a day, a course of 21 days.


Increased risk of bone fractures1. Restoring bone strength. Osteoporosis. Fourth stage – 7 days
2. Osteochondrosis and osteoporosis. Second stage – 10 days (morning)
3. Calcium metabolism
4. Regulation of metabolism (balance) of phosphorus and calcium
5. Parathyroid gland—control (calcium)
6. Calcium deficiency
Apply the program once a day, course 2 months.
Stroke and myocardial infarction, strengthening the vascular wall1. Program for heart vessels. Second week.
2. Spasms of the cardiovascular system
3. Coronary vessels of the heart
4. Heart, coronary vessels
5. Myocardial infarction (scarring agent)
6. Program for correcting the condition after a heart attack. Second stage – 5 days (recipe 1)
Apply the program once a day, course 2 months.
Stroke (cerebrovascular accident)1. Tinnitus after a stroke
2. Correction of the condition after a stroke. Second stage – 15 days
3. Correction of the condition after a stroke. Fourth stage – 15 days
4. Calcium metabolism
5. Blood circulation stabilization
6. Blood circulation of the heart – all organs
Apply the program 3 times a day, course 2 months.
Myocardial infarction (disruption of blood supply to the heart muscle)1. Circulatory failure
2. Local, tissue circulation
3. Complex blood circulation 1
4. Heart, myocardium – cardiac muscle
5. Heart, myocardium – cardiac muscle
6. Heart, coronary vessels
7. 03 Heart, regulation
Apply the program 3 times a day, course 2 months.


Parkinson’s disease (a neurodegenerative disease affecting the motor system)1. Parkinson’s disease. First stage – 7 days
2. Parkinson’s disease. Second stage – 7 days
3. Parkinsonism
4. Relief of tremor in Parkinsonism
5. Parkinson’s disease
6. Tremor
Apply the program 3 times a day, course 2 months. Then apply the program 2 times a day, a course of 3 months.
Epilepsy (a chronic brain disorder that causes seizures)1. Epilepsy (see Shigella)
2. Epilepsy attack
3. Epilepsy
4. Spasms of cerebral vessels
5. Pathogen-free brain. Fourth stage – 5 days (day)
6. Anticonvulsant effect
7. Muscle cramps
Apply the program once a day, course for 4 months.
Migraine (repeated, acute headaches)1. Migraines of various etiologies
2. Hemicrania (migraine)
3. Migraine
4. Migraine headache
5. Detoxification of the body
6. Detox toxicity for headaches 2
Apply the program once a day for prevention. To relieve an acute attack, use the program 4 times in a row, the course is from 1 to 5 days.
Dementia (memory and cognitive impairment)1. Detox from heavy metals
2. Detox – depressive drug toxin
3. Senile ataxia
4. Age-related cell disorders
5. Senile dementia
6. Senile disorders
(damage) to cells
Apply the program 2 times a day, course from 1 month.


Rheumatoid arthritis (inflammatory joint disease)1. 1. Diseases of the joints. Third stage. Rheumatism. 14 days (recipe 2)
2. Rheumatism, rheumatic carditis
3. Rheumatism of cerebral vessels
4. Rheumatism 1
5. Rheumatism 2
6. CC kidney management
and liver for rheumatism
and gout 1
7. Arthritis – rheumatism (muscles and tendons)
8. Muscle pain and injuries
(+ Basic antiseptic)
9. Osteoarthritis (joint pain)
Apply the program 2 times a day in the acute period, a course of 21 days. For prophylaxis, use once a day for a course of 2 months.
Systemic lupus erythematosus (chronic inflammation of connective tissues)1. Systemic lupus erythematosus. First week.
2. Lupus
3. Lupus basic
4. Lupus basic secondary
5. Lupus vulgaris
6. Skin tuberculosis, lupus
7. SLE, butterfly symptom
8. Lupus butterfly
Apply the program 2 times a day in the acute period, a course of 21 days. For prophylaxis, use once a day for a course of 2 months.
Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis (inflammatory bowel disease)1. Crohn’s disease (+ viruses) 2
2. Crohn’s disease (+ parasites) 1
3. Crohn’s disease (+ protozoa)
4. Crohn’s disease 3
5. Remove intestinal toxins
6. Detox (liver, kidneys, lymph, intestines, lungs)
7. Intestines – mucosal disorder
8. Intestinal mucosal damage
Apply the program 2 times a day in the acute period, a course of 21 days. For prophylaxis, use once a day for a course of 2 months.


Hypothyroidism (low thyroid function)1. Neuroendocrine system (hypothalamus, pituitary gland)
2. Hypothyroidism
3. Restoration of the thyroid gland. Second stage – 5 days
4. Thyroid gland—hypofunction
5. Thyroid gland
6. Thyroid dysfunction
Apply the program once a day, course from 1 month.
Hyperthyroidism (increased thyroid function)1. Thyroid nodules
2. Hyperthyroidism
3. Restoration of the thyroid gland. Third stage – 10 days
4. Thyroid gland—hyperfunction
5. Hyperthyroidism (I6 + IG17 + F6)
6. Hyperthyroid
Apply the program once a day, course from 1 month.
Type 1 diabetes (an autoimmune disease in which the body
does not produce insulin)
1. Diabetes 1 (high sugar levels)
2. 01. Diabetes mellitus 1
3. 02. Diabetes mellitus 2
4. Poor circulation
for diabetes
5. Diabetes
6. Tertiary diabetes
7. Diabetes mellitus
(hypoglycemic effect)
Apply the program once a day, a course of 3 months.
Type 2 diabetes (carbohydrate metabolic disorder
with insulin resistance)
1. Poor circulation
for diabetes
2. Diabetes mellitus type 2
3. Diabetes as a parasitic disease. Program – 1 month (recipe 2)
4. Diabetic foot
5. Constitutional diabetes
6. Diabetic polyneuropathy
7. Carbohydrate metabolism restoration
Apply the program once a day, a course of 3 months.


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)1. Cleansing function of the lungs, activation. First week (recipe 2)
2. Cleansing the lungs of parasites. First block. Third stage – 3 days
3. Pulmonary fibrosis
4. Lungs
5. Bronchi and lungs
6. Obstructive bronchitis
7. Obstructive bronchitis
8. Cough
Apply the program 1-2 times a day, course for 3 months.
Bronchial asthma1. Reflex cough
2. Program for good mood and well-being. Third stage – 5 days
3. Neurogenic bronchial asthma
4. Bronchospasm (attack of suffocation)
5. Bronchopulmonary system
6. Bronchial asthma
7. Asthmatic bronchitis
8. 02 Bronchial asthma 2
Apply the program during the period of remission 1-2 times a day, a course of 2 months.
Pneumonia (lung inflammation)1. Cleansing function of the lungs, activation. First week (recipe 2)
2. Lung inflammation
3. Bronchi and lungs
4. Lungs
5. Pneumonia
6. General pneumonia V
Use in the acute period 3 times a day, course of 3 weeks.
Chronic bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchi)1. Coughing program
for bronchitis. First stage – 3 days
2. Obstructive bronchitis
3. 01. Bronchitis 1
4. 02. Bronchitis 2
5. 03. Bronchitis 3
6. 04. Bronchitis 4
7. Allergic bronchitis
Apply the prevention program once a day, for a course of 2 months.


Fungal diseases of the skin and nails1. Detox fungi and mold
2. Fungi and mold
3. Basic fungi
4. Malassezia (dandruff) (+ Basic fungi)
5. Infection, mold
6. Itchy feet
7. Leather
Apply the program 2 times a day, course from 21 days.
Eczema1. Eczema
2. Eczema (skin problems including herpes)
3. Eczema
4. Eczema pustular
5. Dry eczema
6. Skin is dry
Apply the program 2 times a day, course from 21 days.
Psoriasis1. Psoriasis: immunity, skin
and parasites. First stage – 5 days
2. Leather
3. Sensitive skin
4. Psoriasis (+ helminths)
5. Complicated psoriasis
6. Skin (degenerative)
Apply the program 2-3 times a day during an exacerbation, a course of 1 month. Use for prevention
1 time per day, course 2 months.
Blackheads (acne)1. Oily skin
2. Skin, regulation of immune and barrier function
3. Acne
4. Acne (pimples)
5. Acne secondary
6. Consequences of acne (adhesions, scars)
Apply the program 2 times a day, course from 21 days.
Atopic dermatitis1. Atopic dermatitis
2. Contact dermatitis
3. Allergic dermatitis
4. Purulent acne
5. Leather
6. Leather
7. Skin is dry
Apply the program 2 times a day during an exacerbation, a course of 21 days. During the period of remission, 1 time per day, course 1 month.
Herpes simplex1. Detox Chemtrail 2
2. 15. Basic herpes
3. 10. Herpes simplex
4. 10. Herpes simplex
5. Herpes simplex IU.2
6. Herpes simplex RTI
Apply the program during an exacerbation 2-3 times a day, the course of therapy is from 5 to 21 days. Use for prevention
1 time per day, course from 1 month.
Hives1. Hives
2. Allergoses
3. Skin allergies
4. Stabilization of the immune system for allergies
5. 05. Allergy 5
6. 06. Allergy 6
7. Detox-autointoxication
8. Detox (liver, kidneys, lymph, intestines, lungs)
Apply the program in the acute period 3-5 times a day, the course is from 1 to 15 days. Use for prevention
1 time per day, course 1 month.
Parasitic diseases (scabies, pediculosis)1. Insect bites
2. Insect bites
3. Itchy skin
4. Itching
5. Healing and regeneration
6. Leather
Apply the program 2 times a day to heal the skin after bites, the course is from 3 to 15 days.
Warts1. Warts basic
2. Warts
3. Plantar warts
4. Warts
5. Papillomatosis. Papilloma virus. First stage – 10 days
6. Papillomavirus 1
7. Detox-autointoxication
Apply the program 2 times a day, course from 21 days.

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